Lia in red

Lia in red

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11 Comments so far

  1. Tony – the Original on December 12, 2012 12:10 am

    Very little exposure of pussy – a pity.

  2. PERSIAN on December 12, 2012 4:30 am


  3. jimbob on December 12, 2012 4:41 pm

    shame her best picture is with the drink and clothes on.
    the rest are so so and she has to many vacant stares in the pictures.

  4. Linz on December 13, 2012 3:53 am

    Beautiful tall model with lovely breasts and sweet curves. Nice poses and palm trees. Merry Christmas to Eroluv staff, thanks for all the wonderful photos.

  5. PNF on December 13, 2012 11:37 pm

    I’m a nails guy but those are creepy. The rest is delightful.

  6. pete on December 14, 2012 6:25 pm

    dosnt say much 4 shoot when her nails are the 1st thing that catches ur eye

  7. NickNameOnly on December 15, 2012 4:33 am

    The third to last pic is awful, she looks kinda like a robot…

  8. bushmaster on December 23, 2012 1:31 am

    Spread them legs girl, that’s why you get the big bucks. I wish those red panties were cumming my way.

  9. bushmaster on December 23, 2012 1:33 am

    Spread them legs girl, that’s why you get the big bucks.
    I wish those red panties were cumming my way.

  10. Tony – the Original on January 17, 2013 1:56 am

    Correct Bushwhacker – she ought to earn her keep.

  11. Brockie on December 10, 2013 7:30 am

    She ought to drop her knickers and spread her legs and show us her secret place!

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