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She’s a bit long in the tooth and just one botty shot! Should do better than this!!!!
boring poses, no facial changes, booorrring
Keep in mind fellas that this set is from FTV where there are many real first timers and plenty of shyness. Aside from that she has a curvy womanly figure meant for grabbing etc. And yes, a low quality set with boring written all over it.
She’s got gorgeous breasts, but it’d definitely be nicer to see more of that pussy. Ah well.
1 reason why some women shud keep their clothes on havin said that she seems 2 hav a tight fuckhole
You guys are crazy! She’s awesome. Got curves in all the right places and she’s pretty. Looks like she knows how to have a little fun in the sack.
For a first timer she should get a 10 for courage! A 9 for nice breasts, an 8 for a smooth mons pubis that is really sensuous shaved clean. I think a thin landing strip patch of close-cropped pubic hair would add a nice flavor to the young lady’s overall set. A smile, even a plastic one, is a real sensual turn-on and makes the art of the photograph vibrate well. Need more of this. Do not squeeze the breast up, covering the nipples, let them fall free and natural, it makes a better photo.
She has one very delicious and sexy pose that is near classic and that is the one where she is squatting down which exposes the inside of her vagina just slightly highlighting an otherwise not so attractive session. This pose is strikingly effective in bringing the viewing area to her sweet sexual arena and supposes her height to be shorter, bringing into focus that all encompassing and alluring feeling that we men and other seek as we pursue the art of the naked female body.
Over all I think she did well, and hope to see more of her in the future. Keep it clean and keep up the good work, you look very nice and easy on the eyes. spirit to spirit
Stand up for your women Seneca! I actually don’t like FTV girls all that much. They usually have huge tits in page 3 tabloid style and they often come with big buttocks. But if that is your wont…go for it.
And hey – they’re sweater tits.
Le Connoisseur, I’m not sure whether she’s your girlfriend or whether you work for FTV. Whatever the case may be that exposition cannot change the facts on the ground.
Seneca, Le Connoisseur had one hand on the keyboard and the other hand working furiously overtime somewhere else. And those are the facts on the ground for Le Connoisseur!!!
I await his somber rebuttal.
I like her body! Doesn’t look overly airbrushed to me and it’s still amazing to look at. Plus those tits man!!!! Those tits are fan freakin’ tastic! What can I say!! I am a gal who loves, loves, those titties and these appeal to me very much visually.
She is hot! I waouls fuck her any day or night
nice,kelsey good look
Damn I wish I had u as my wife or gf
Now James, think about what you wished for. Just reflect, here you have a partner who has just flashed her privates to potentially every man in the world with access to a computer. One helluva lot of wanking over your missus has gone on without your knowledge or consent. I prefer the homely type to hook up with.
waooo thats look very nice and hot.
She should lift under edg of her sweater for erotic pose.
She should lift under edg of her sweater for erotic pose.Heading is busty but can’t check up it.
if nobody mind i would take her to my home and had a try with her.